Friday, 13 November 2009

You just can't do that.

So I'm in the movie theatre today and the pre-feature trailers are playing. Avatar looks amazing, and that Sherlock Holmes flick seems pretty neat too. I'm settling down to watch 2012, and on release date too. All is well. Then along comes the trailer for Richard Kelly's new The Box picture.
Now, don't get me wrong, the concept of this movie is nice - a woman given the option to effortlessly kill a random stranger in order to win $1million. The first minute and half is an enticing piece of trailer editing. Then they play the Saw Theme Tune. WTF? Seriously? I know it's an awesomely terrifying and claustrophobic little theme, and it seems to fit with the movie's concept, but... you just can't put it in a trailer for any movie other than Saw. Especially not when Saw VI was released not a month ago. It would be like using the Star Wars theme in a trailer for Lord of the Rings, the week after Clone Wars was released. It's just too iconic. Okay, rant over. The trailer's here, if you want to check it out:

2012 was epic, by the way. So was Thomas Wander's (of 10,000 BC and Buffy fame) soundtrack, out now on Columbia.

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